Cross-Country - Inter-County Championships
"Thank you, everyone, for your patience. There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes, and North Yorkshire has managed to secure Stewart Park for the Inter Counties on Saturday, 17th February. Unfortunately, not all the counties have been able to attend this rearranged fixture. However, Durham will be competing. This is for several reasons. Firstly, we want to offer every Year 7 athlete who qualified the chance to represent their county. We then wish to give everyone else an opportunity to state their claim for a place on the team at English Schools Championships. The first race will be at 1.20pm, and a more detailed timetable will follow. Please don't contact us to confirm your attendance. Everyone who placed in the top sixteen at Farringdon plus any reserves previously contacted will be automatically entered. Contact us if you can no longer compete due to the date change. Thank you for your support and best of luck with your training and preparation."